Sunday 16 August 2015

Christianity & The Legalisation Of Prostitution

One interesting question I sometimes ask is; "Is there any moral position you hold as a Christian that you wouldn't hold as a non-Christian?". There are probably a few cases, but one that springs to mind today is the recent debate about legalising prostitution (and by prostitution let's just refer to the act of trade between a willing buyer and a willing seller - not exploitative or abusive or non-consenting areas of the sex trade).

As a libertarian I think people have the right to do what they want in terms of a mutual transaction between two willing agents, providing that action harms no others - so on those terms I wouldn't be too against legalised prostitution.

However, as a Christian, I understand God's biblical intention for sex and marriage, so I would not want prostitution legalised, because that would legitimise and make more socially desirable an act that I believe God wants to be implicitly between two beloveds in marriage. For that reason I'm against legalising prostitution.


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